“better than Taco Bell” Jackfruit Quesadillas & Spanish Rice


Anybody else obsessed with a Taco Bell chicken quesadillas? Cause I’m pretty sure in high school I kept our local Taco Bell in business on those alone. The seasoning is iconic, and the sauce really makes for a flavor explosion. But mostly everything involved in making those is not vegan—so here we are. I’ve come up with a recipe that is sure satisfy that craving, and also get you some pretty key nutrients—hope you enjoy!

Serves: 2 Duration: 35 mins.

// ingredients //


2 burrito sized tortillas

1 can of Jackfruit

1/2 red onion

1/2 cup canned black beans

1/2 cup yellow corn

Slice of lime

1 Tsp. chipotle adobo sauce

1 Tbsp. garlic

1 Tsp. poultry seasoning



Salt & pepper to taste

Spanish Rice:

1 cup of cooked rice

1/2 cup canned diced tomatoes

1/2 cup chopped red cabbage

1/2 bell pepper

1 Tsp. Cumin

Salt & Pepper to taste

Cheese Sauce:

1/4 cup of raw cashews

1 heaped tbsp. nutritional yeast

1/2 Tbsp. mustard

1/2 cup coconut yogurt (or alternative milk)

Salt to taste

**Optional toppings: vegan sour cream, vegan shredded cheese

// method //

1) If you’re cooking rice, go ahead and begin that process.

2) Heat a pan on medium heat with a little oil.

3) While the pan is heating, chop the onion & pull apart the jackfruit. When pan is heated, sauté onions and garlic until onions are almost clear.

4) Add in jackfruit, poultry seasoning, cumin, paprika, and salt & pepper.

5) Sauté for about 5 more minutes, then place in a bowl and set aside.

6) In the same pan, add in corn, black beans, and chipotle sauce. If needed, add a little more oil but make sure you lower the heat first so it doesn’t splatter. Let cook for around 10 minutes, or until corn is slightly browned. Set aside in a bowl.


Now time for the rice!

1) Chop cabbage & pepper, and drain sauce from diced tomatoes.

2) In the pan you were using, add in cooked rice, cabbage, & tomatoes. Add in salt & pepper, cumin, and more poultry seasoning to taste. (Be careful not to over salt if your poultry seasoning has salt in—cause I definitely did that lol). Cook for 5 minutes on medium, the reduce heat to low. Keep on low and stir frequently.


Make that cheesy sauce!

1) In a blender, add cashews, mustard, nutritional yeast, coconut yogurt (or alternative milk), and salt.

2) Blend until smooth & creamy. Set aside in a small bowl.

Assemble the quesadillas!

1) Heat a lightly oiled pan to medium-high heat. Place one tortilla on the pan.

2) Layer:

Cheesy sauce

Jackfruit & onion

Corn & beans mixture

(MORE SAUCE of course)

3) Fold over and crisp the tortilla on both sides. Place on a plate, then do the same with the second tortilla.


Serve with the rice on the side and lil avocado on top & ENJOY!


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