How to navigate a bad body-image day

We’ve all had them. It seems to be one of those things you can’t predict sometimes. I could be having the best day and feel great in an outfit, but the next day, POOF… if I tried to wear the same thing, I’ll feel terrible in it. Which is why I think it’s important to have little tools and go-to resources to have in your back pocket to help you navigate those days.

I made this meditation for one of my clients who was packing clothes for a big trip. Traveling or a big event can be some of the biggest triggers for a bad body-image day. Maybe you’re finding clothes you no longer fit into. Or you’re getting anxious over all the pictures people might take while traveling. What if you pack things you like today but they end up feeling awful on you when you get there?

Trust me, I’ve been there.

I made this meditation not only to help you get through that moment—you know the one—where you’re staring in the mirror paralyzed by what you see, maybe asking yourself “how do I move forward from this?”. But what I hope this meditation does is to actually even go beyond those moments, prevent future ones, and help your mind slow down before sliding down the spiral of self-hate talk.

Download the PDF below by adding it to your shopping cart and checking out—don’t worry, its FREE—it’ll pop up in your inbox! Save it to your phone or computer, print it out, send it to a friend, whatever you need to do to be ready for these daysbecause you deserve to to spend your time on better things than worrying about what you look like in the mirror❤️

Guided Meditation PDF

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