Tomato & Feta Pasta bake

Trust me, this recipe is so simple and perfect for nights where you just don’t have it in you to come up with something creative for dinner. And its pasta…so do I even need to say more???

Duration: 30-35 Minutes

Yields: 3-4 Servings

// Ingredients//

1 box of pasta

1 jar of pasta sauce

2 cups of tiny tomatoes

1 block of vegan feta (Trader Joe’s has an excellent one!)

shredded garlic (as much as you like)

handful of chopped basil

Optional: vegan parmesan


1) Cook your pasta and set aside.

2) Preheat the oven to 400.

3) In a large baking dish, add in the pasta sauce, tomatoes, and basil.

4) Place the feta block in the middle of the dish. Sprinkle a little salt and the shredded garlic around the dish.

5) Place in the oven and bake for 15-20 minutes or until the feta and tomatoes can be broken up easily with a fork. Mix everything together until you have a smooth and creamy sauce.

6) Add in the pasta, sprinkle some vegan parmesan on top, and put it in the oven for 5 minutes to get the top crispy.

Serve & enjoy!


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