Easy Vegan Bagels

If I had to choose one item for breakfast to have forever, it would 100% be a bagel with avocado. They are my favorite—which is why I wanted to come up with a recipe to ensure I could have a tasty (easy) vegan bagel on hand at all times. This recipe is simple to follow, only requires a few ingredients, and takes only 30-35 minutes to complete. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

Duration: 30-35 Minutes

Yields: 2-4 Bagels (depending on what size)


-1 cup plant-based yogurt

-1.5 cups of bread flour

-2 tsp. baking powder

-1 tsp.salt

-1/4 cup of aquafaba*

-various seasonings for topping your bagel:

Cinnamon & sugar

Everything bagel seasoning

Sesame seeds

Rosemary & vegan parmesan

*Little note on what aquafaba is: This is the liquid that is in canned beans. I like to use the clear kind—so liquid from chickpeas or white beans—this way there’s no brownish color after baking. This acts the same as egg whites and is great for baking.


1) Preheat oven to 375

2) In a mixing bowl, stir all the dry ingredients together.

3) Stir in the yogurt. If the dough is still very wet (especially if you’re using a GF flour, add in a bit more flour until you can pick it up and it doesn’t all stick to your hands).

4) Roll the dough into a ball and cut into 4 equal parts (or if you want really jumbo bagels, cut it into 2 parts).

5) Roll the parts into little snakes and connect the ends (making a bagel shape). If they aren’t sticking well, add a little aquafaba to “paste” the ends together.

6) Place the bagels on a baking sheet evenly spread apart with enough room to grow a bit while baking. Brush the tops of each with the aquafaba, and sprinkle on the seasoning of your choice.

7) Place in the oven and bake for 25-30 minutes, or until a bit golden on top.

8) Let sit and cool for at least 5 minutes, cut in half, and enjoy!


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