Helping women find love for

the body they're in today through:

Body Image

Mentorship Programs


Non-Restrictive Meal Plans

Whole Food,

Plant-Centered Recipes


The fact that you’re here LITERALLY makes me smile.

Hey—I’m Hannah! My husband and I live in Minnesota right on Lake Superior and like to spend most of our time outside or getting a coffee:) In 2022, I finished my Holistic Nutritionist certification and am passionate about helping women live life to the fullest, especially those who have been through an eating disorder. I’ve tried every fad diet out there, and have become absolutely exhausted by diet culture. As a girl who has never fit into the normal “look” of someone interested in health & fitness, I’m here to be an encouragement to anyone wanting to adopt more healthy habits, no matter what season you’re in. 

Whether it’s through my mentorship program, recipes on my blog, or my instagram, I want you to feel empowered to live in a way that honors your body in all of it’s seasons. I want you to know that your body is good and worth taking care of no matter what you see in the mirror. And I REALLY want you to walk into your kitchen or your dorm room or the break room in your office and get excited about the ways you can listen and take care of your body with good food.